Rent Storage

For all your storage needs in northwestern Wisconsin. Detailed Storage LLC has units now available. Detailed Storage is located in the northwestern Wisconsin community of Solon Springs, WI. Detailed Storage LLC offers you the best value in self-storage for the area. We provide for both personal and business storage use in northwestern Wisconsin. We take prompt care of snow and ice removal as it is needed for easy access all year round.  You have access to your All Season Storage units at all times ' 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Detailed Storage is conveniently located across from the Solon Springs Mercantile and a U-Haul location.

10 x 20 x 9

Roll up doors, 10x20 individual units. If you are looking for a great facility to store your extra belongings, we are the right place for you. One car garage size. Five to six rooms of furniture. Average size car. Commercial storage. Lots of boxes, bicycles, sales reps supplies, business records, seasonal items.

Starting at
$90 / month*

*Prices may reflect a discount from a longer term agreement.